Interview with Model Tiara Charelle

This evening, Batini Arts has the pleasure of speaking with a multi-talented woman who is an up and  coming model, brand ambassador, and stylist.  I introduce, the lovely Tiara Charelle.

EA: Would you tell us about your journey to becoming a model?

TC: My journey was really rocky at first; I didn’t know where to start or what to do because as we all know the modeling industry is always changing by the day. Eventually social media came into play and from there I networked with many creatives from my city ( Birmingham, AL.) by getting involved with photo shoots, fashion shows, and networking events and it pretty much rose from there.

EA: Is it a profession you have always wanted to work in?

TC: Yes! When I was growing up, I always watched America’s Next Top Model ( Hi Tyra!) and practiced my model walk and poses every time an episode went off. I even use to have notebooks where I would cut out things pertaining to fashion modeling and try to mix and match outfits to create new outfits.

EA: What were your thoughts when you landed your first modeling contract?

TC: I have not yet landed my first modeling contract but hope to do so soon ( Fingers crossed) Until then, I am building my portfolio and resume.

EA: Describe what you were feeling on your first professional modeling gig.

TC:  I was nervous and determined at the same time, it was so many well known creatives from my city there. I was scared I was going to mess up but thank God I didn’t. It was a very fun first time experience.

EA: I understand that you're a Brand Ambassador. For the viewers out there, would you tell us exactly what that entails?

TC: Being a brand ambassador is about upholding a positive and outgoing image. Social media platforms play a major role in doing this. A lot of brands look for your influence/ engagement with your followers and how you represent your image to the world. If you want to become a brand ambassador the key is be professional, but sell the product.

EA: What are some notable brands that you have worked with?

TC: One brand that stands out the most is I Am The LIST Clothing  (instagram @Iamthelist ) the founders created the brand to empower women to be confident and express themselves through the fashion provided by them. ( use promo Tiara10 )

EA: How has the experience of a model's life been for you overall in your career?

TC: They say the experience can either make you or break you. I believe that it has helped me evolve as a woman and showed me that I can do anything I put my mind too.

EA: Finally, what advice would you give to aspiring models?

TC: Follow your first mind and do not let anyone steer you away from your dreams. It’s not an easy journey; yes you will come across obstacles and get frustrated, but the outcome will be worth it just stay focused and positive and trust the process.

Final Word

I'm living proof of Tiara's advice. In my nearly three years as a professional writer, I've encountered obstacles, mainly promoting and gaining an audience, and have experienced being frustrated out of my mind, but I realized going into it that this is a process that's not going to flourish overnight. Whatever one endeavors in, whether it's writing, modeling, acting, etc., particularly when making your own way, it takes time before you see your night in, night out efforts come to fruition. However, my strong, unwavering belief that the outcome will be worth it in the end is part of what keeps me going.

Trust the process. Someday, you'll look back and realize that everything you went through was not only worth it, but has made you the person you are today. I truly want to thank Tiara for taking the time to speak with me. Interested in booking Tiara for photo session? Want to follow her on social media? You can visiting the links below.


Brand Ambassador Inquires:


